Rob Zombie’s critically-acclaimed masterpiece The Devil’s Rejects is the far superior sequel to the equally gut-wrenching and terrifying House of 1000 Corpses. The Zombie-helmed...
Some time ago, recently, I happened upon my wife who was watching the newest reality television sensation, The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, and I couldn’t help but partake. I’m a little...
Rob Zombie’s critically-acclaimed masterpiece The Devil’s Rejects is the far ...
When it comes to horror, the go-to holiday is predominately Halloween with Christmas a close second....
Is Jennifer’s Body based on a true story? Quite possibly. You may be surprised to learn that ...
Body Bags, is easily one of the most overlooked titles John Carpenter directed. It’s far from...
As a fan of horror entertainment, I attempt to digest all I can, in as many forms as I can. Movies, ...
On February 15, 2002, police were called to the Tri-State Crematory. The establishment’s prim...