Rob Zombie’s critically-acclaimed masterpiece The Devil’s Rejects is the far superior sequel to the equally gut-wrenching and terrifying House of 1000 Corpses. The Zombie-helmed...
Is The Town That Dreaded Sundown based on a true story? Well, yes. But with some creative listen taken. Keep reading for the full rundown on the Texarkana Phantom and the feature film adaptation based...
When it comes to horror, the go-to holiday is predominately Halloween with Christmas a close second. Thanksgiving, on the other hand, is sorely lacking when it comes to horror media. Yes, there’...
In recent years there’s been a new wave of young adult horror titles from creators who grew up reading the likes of Goosebumps, Graveyard School, Strange Matter, and other assorted titles. Many ...
On this 40th anniversary of A Nightmare on Elm Street, which kicked off one of the most influential franchises in the horror genre, I enlisted the help of my horror movie-loving cousin and writer, Sam...
Welcome back to Written in Blood, an interview series featuring novelists and screenwriters in the horror genre. Jason Rekulak wants to make one thing very clear about his new novel. “There...
Is Jennifer’s Body based on a true story? Quite possibly. You may be surprised to learn that this true crime case is eerily reminiscent of the events depicted in the film. Horror Comedy Jennife...
Though it never truly left, true crime storytelling is back in the forefront again. One of the ways that true crime addicts like myself like to feed our fascination is by listening to podcasts. There ...
Is The Stepfather based on a true story? Why, yes it is. The 1987 film loosely uses the crimes of John List as inspiration. Read on as we separate fact from fiction and get to the bottom of the real-l...