The Slender Man is a well-known creepypasta that has circulated widely around the Internet, inspiring a slew of fans who have created an endless stream of artistic depictions, short stories, and video...
Erik Larson’s The Devil in the White City is an historical novel that takes real people and events and utilizes them in a fictionalized format. There are embellishments, of course, but for the ...
On April 20th, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered Columbine High School and, in just under an hour, killed 13, injured 21, and kick-started several controversies that are still going strong t...
Right now, “Murder is hot!” It’s hard not to be bothered by the many cringe-worthy moments that occur during the successful Netflix docu-series Making a Murderer. The series sh...
There have been hundreds of different murderers and serial killers, and being a killer seems like it could get lonely. But some couples are just made for each other in the most sinister of ways. ...
Adult serial killers are creepy enough, but what’s all the more jarring is kids who kill. Like something out of a horror movie, it’s unnatural and terribly frightening. We think of ...
The Internet is so convenient. You can do all of your shopping, catch up on the latest news, and you can meet some really great people who share similar interests. But in addition to the nice people&#...