In the Wolf Creek TV series, 19-year-old Eve (Vampire Academy’s Lucy Fry) is visiting Australia with her family. While there, she narrowly survives an encounter with Mic...
Solace revolves around easy going FBI agent Joe Merriwether (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, The Walking Dead) and his wound up partner Katherine Cowles (Abbie Cornish, Limitless and Seven Psychopaths)...
The Crooked Man is a fun, teenage monster movie–a fun thrill ride from start to finish, in all the most literal sense. As the film opens, we are introduced to a gaggle of young women trying to h...
Dead West is billed as an action western following Tony (played by Jeffrey Arrington, John Freeman Story, Vicious), brother of a victim of a serial killer known only as The Ladykiller (Brian Sut...
Moving to a new town and starting at a new school can be traumatic for a ten-year-old; having a Mom and a Dad who are potentially cannibals can also be a little unnerving but that is the predicament l...
Of all the films to get the amazing Blu-ray treatment from Vestron, Lair of the White Worm is definitely one of the ones that deserves it the most. It’s a fascinating movie that never got its d...
It begins with the resurrection of a dead deer on the road, and ends with an exciting and startlingly emotional climax that will make you excited about zombie movies again. The South Korean flick Trai...
In Phantasm, a small Oregon town joins a growing number of cities that has been taken over by a grave robber known as The Tall Man. Three friends start to suspect that something is awry...
Set in 1975, 31 zeroes in on five people kidnapped in the days leading up to Halloween. They are brought to a place called Murder World where they must fight for their survival by playi...