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Top 10 Lists

Five Great Horror Movies That Were Critical Disasters When First Released

There are many horror films in the genre’s long history that are now lauded as classics. But they weren’t always. Some movies that are beloved now were critical disasters when they w...

Mad artists. Adam Sorge, the color-obsessed killer artist from Color Me Blood Red.

Five of the Most Memorable Mad Artists in Horror

A few days ago, we took a look at Ten Memorable Mad Scientists and today we follow that up with a look at their spiritual cousin, the Mad Artist. These aren’t just artists who are characters in ...

Doctor Frankenstein giving his creature life.

Ten Memorable Mad Scientists

One could actually say that the roots for the mad scientist character trope lay way back in Greek mythology. It seems like an unlikely garden for such a thing to grow from, but craftsman Daedalus cert...

Seth Green as Oz

Five Fan-Favorite Buffy Characters That Were Never Supposed to Last

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is loved for many reasons, one of them being its incredibly relatable cast of characters. Each and every one of them feels like a fully developed human being and each of ...

Friday the 13th Part 2 poster

Ten Horror Sequels that Equaled or Topped the Original

Horror fans both love and hate sequels. The reasons are usually valid. Sequels are rarely made for creative reasons, they flood the market, and they make it harder for original movies to get made. But...

John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness

Ten Fictional Authors We Wish Were Real

A few days ago, we discussed the alternate universes in which fictional stories take place, specifically how the denizens of those universes have access to genre films we wish were real.  Th...


Ten Fictional Genre Films We Wish Were Real

Some films are grounded squarely in our reality, and when their characters drink soda, or eat potato chips, or smoke cigarettes, they do so with brands that we recognize. Other films exist in a realit...

felix baumgartner space jump

Surviving Great Heights – Near-Death Falls

A fall from 50–60ft would prove fatal to most people. But what about 10 or 100 times that height? If you’re plummeting from great heights without a parachute, the odds are against you.&#x...

near death experiences.

True & Terrifying Near-Death Experiences

A near-death experience (NDE) refers to personal experiences associated with impending death. Possible sensations are said to include detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, ...