During last year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (more commonly known as E3), video game fans young and old were gifted with gameplay footage from the newest installment in the Doom s...
On April 20th, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered Columbine High School and, in just under an hour, killed 13, injured 21, and kick-started several controversies that are still going strong t...
Horror movies are already an obscure genre within the traditional word of cinema. Personally, I spend more time defending films like The Blair Project and Cloverfield than titles from any ot...
Five Nights at Freddy’s is a simplistically designed video game that has enraptured the online gaming community since the release of the first installment in August of 2014. FNAF is an ...
Video games have come a long way since the Pong days, and with a heavier and heavier focus on narrative, more cinematic qualities have become present in recent days. So what’s the obvious place...
The post apocalypse has always been that setting that resides right on the outskirts of the horror genre, lending itself to the kinds of action movies and games that aren’t afraid to get brutal...
If you aren’t a PC gamer or a video gamer in general, then you probably haven’t heard of the prolific rise of the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise, otherwise known as FNAF. FNAF ...
E3’s major press conferences are over and the PC Conference gave horror fans one last trailer to be excited for. SOMA is a science fiction survival horror video game and the newest e...
With the E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo going on all this week in Hollywood, many gamers have been excited to see what we’ll get a closer look at and very few games have more hype right ...