New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror titles, not really knowing what’s worth watching and what isn’t. Sometimes, you know exactly what you’re looking for, but when you go to watch it the title has already been taken down. Here, we do our best to let you know what’s been added and re-added from week to week.
Usually, the beginning of the month hits us with a lot of strong material, with some current favorites and old classics alike while the middle sort of leaves us in a dead zone. We’re starting June off with a bit of a lull but hopefully this continues to pick up throughout the month. We tend to lose a lot at the end of the year, but we gained a lot too, and 2016 got off to a promising start that has had more ups than downs so far.
So kick back, relax, make some popcorn or maybe even munch on some candy corn as we bring you what’s new on Netflix for the week of June 17th.
Final Destination 3
This time, the big accident is a roller coaster ride, which—while it shows off a bit—is actually one of the scariest ideas of the series. In general, I think the third Final Destination is a very underrated installment and gets points for at least trying to change up the formula.
Finally back on Netflix, we have Tim Burton’s one and only true horror film, 1999’s Sleepy Hollow. It’s also one of the director’s best. Johnny Depp tows the line of weirdness without going over it, Christina Ricci is great and Lisa Marie honestly steals the show with her brief recurring appearances.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)i
We’ve also got Marcus Nispel’s stylish remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre to watch this month. It’s a very different take on the same story, which split some fans, but is probably exactly what a remake should do to set itself apart. In general, it’s probably the movie that kicked off the remake craze of the 2000s.