The original Black Hammer comic book series revolved around a set of five superheroes who find themselves on a farm with no memory of how they got there and are faced with the fact they cannot escape. Although they have just saved Spiral City from a powerful adversary and have survived the apocalyptic ordeal in the process, they manage to adjust to living on the farm regardless of their fantastic powers.
Beloved by audiences following the first six issues, Dark Horse Comics have announced that spinoffs to expand the Black Hammer universe will happen this fall. These new additions will begin with Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil, and will be authored by the original creators of the Black Hammer universe, Jeff Lemire and David Rubin.
 Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil will revolve around the mysterious background of one of the most notorious Black Hammer villains, which will be explored through the perspective of Lucy Weber, Black Hammer’s daughter.
In Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil, Lucy is an investigative journalist who is seeking out the truth about her father, but ends up in Spiral City’s ill-reputed asylum to confront the incarcerated villains and discover their secrets.
The debut issue of Sherlock Frankenstein & The Legion of Evil will be released on October 18, 2017.