Home » The ABCs Of Death – We Only Need A Few Letters For This Alphabet Soup

The ABCs Of Death – We Only Need A Few Letters For This Alphabet Soup

the horror anthology The ABC's of Death.

The ABCs Of Death; If you like a bit of gore, mixed with silliness, some stupidness, laughs and a few shock (very few) moments, then perhaps out of boredom check out this unique horror anthology film.

Maybe one of the best horror film ideas I’ve heard in a while, 26 shorts by 26 directors, each given a letter that they have to base the theme of death around. Brilliant!

I was looking forward to watching it so much after hearing about this concept that maybe that’s where I went wrong with this one.

Okay, so I knew I probably wouldn’t like all 26 shorts, but I liked just 9, and out of that 9 I loved maybe 5/6 of them. The rest had me either yawning, thinking “WTF” and not in a good way. I was mostly just wishing many of them would hurry up and end so I could see what the next one was, and these are short stories of only 5 minuets don’t forget. As a viewer a five minute story should be able to keep me entertained, yet often you aren’t. I’ve watched not-so-good full length features that I’d watch again over most of the shorts in this film.

This anthology isn’t really horror all the time, it’s a mix of random stories, so don’t go into this thinking it’s all about horror as you’ll be even more disappointed. There’s also a mixture of cartoons and plasticine animation which never works as a frightening or good death scene for me personally.

Overall the film is OK. And that’s being nice. If you have a thing for death this could be your type of film.

Personally for me The ABCs of Death could have been so much better and I was really sad that is wasn’t. There’s some messed up things in this film, and not always in a good way (well the way I like). At least ¼ of the directors should have stayed away from bathroom themes and bums, as much as I like a nice bottom. That’s all I’m saying on that. For F’s sake.

WICKED RATING: 4/10  [usr 4]

Title: The ABC’s Of Death


Director: 26 of them!
Writer(s): Lots
Stars: Even more than lots
Year: 2012
Studio/ Production Co: Magnet Releasing, Drafthouse Films, Timpson Films
Budget: $5,000/short = $130,000
Language: English
Length: 129 mins
Sub-Genre: Horror Anthology

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Written by Nicola Odeku
Nicola Odeku is the co-founder of Wicked Horror. After managing a fashion and lifestyle magazine, in addition to writing her own published relationship articles, Nicola set up team with Arturo and followed her genuine love for horror. Also known as Miss Horror, Nicola is a big fan of hardcore gore, anything demonic, and disturbing cinema. Also cats. She looooves cats. Nicola enjoys traveling, sitting on a beach and eating cake.
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