New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror titles, not really knowing what’s worth watching and what isn’t. Sometimes, you know exactly what you’re looking for, but when you go to watch it the title has already been taken down. Here, we do our best to let you know what’s been added and re-added from week to week.
As always, the beginning of the month hit us with a lot of strong material, with some current favorites and old classics alike. Admittedly, things have been lacking of late, but some old favorites have returned to the streaming service after a lengthy absence.
The selection is beefing back up, though, slowly but surely. Hopefully that will keep up as we move further into the year.
So kick back, relax, and make some popcorn while we bring you what’s new on Netflix for the week of July 6th, 2018.
Interview With the Vampire
This now-classic adaptation of Anne Rice’s beloved novel (with a screenplay by Rice herself) from The Crying Game and The Company of Wolves director Neil Jordan has returned to Netflix. It’s still as rich and lavish as many remember, filled with incredible production design as well as a surprisingly intense performance by Tom Cruise and one of the all-time best child actor performances in Kirsten Dunst’s portrayal of the eternally young Claudia. If you’re in a vampire mood or you haven’t revisited it in a while, definitely give this one another look.
While not totally successful at the time, many people have turned around on the popcorn goth antics of 2004’s Van Helsing starring Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale. It’s all surface level action, but the appeal of these monsters engaging in a big, dumb grudge match is undeniable and after Universal’s failed attempt at creating a Dark Universe, this has gone on to become a decent example from a time when they weren’t overthinking ways to combine their characters together in a single movie.