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horror films

Horror Film Documentaries You Need to See!

The horror fan has excellent choices when it comes to documentaries about the genre. There are certain titles that examine horror films or an entire subgenre as a whole. Examples of this app...

Argento's Deep Red

How Argento’s Deep Red Influenced Surrealist Cinema

Suspiria will probably always be remembered as Dario Argento’s best. But even still, it’s remembered as the best in a very impressive career, especially in the ‘70’s and &#...

DVD cover picture for Wishmaster

Movies Attributed to the Masters of Horror You’d be Surprised They Didn’t Direct

The average moviegoer doesn’t think a lot about what goes into a film or who does what on it. They don’t really care. But they will notice certain names. If the director has his name abo...

Back to the ’80s: Firestarter

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particul...

Handmaid’s Tale Season Two First Look Photos

After the exciting conclusion to season one, fans of Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale are eagerly awaiting the premiere of the sophomore season. The first season’s finale coincided with...

The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue

How Well Does The Living Dead At Manchester Morgue Hold Up Today?

I recently decided to give the underrated Italian gem, The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue a try and I’m glad I did. The premise of the film is simple yet effective. An incident at a petr...

Ten Stars You Probably Didn’t Know Started in Horror

When trying to recall actors who became noteworthy to mainstream media and entertainment fans after appearing in horror themed projects, one typically thinks of Jennifer Anniston in Leprechaun, George...

Idle Hands

Idle Hands is an Essential Horror Comedy That Never Found its Audience

Horror in the 1990’s was a very different thing from the ‘80’s. Where the previous decade produced cult classic after cult classic (with the titles that didn’t make it...

Funny Games

Why the Remake of Funny Games Beats the Original

It seems strange to say that the American remake of anything tops the original, and in most cases it definitely isn’t true. It’s not even a great idea for films to be remade for an Ameri...