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horror films

Back to the ’80s: Cat’s Eye

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular fi...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Next Generation

The Insane Legacy of Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is one of the most infamous, endearing horror films in history. It has lasted for 40 years, and by this point it’s probably safe to say that it will probably never ...

Oscar - Academy Award - Best picture

Seven Horror Films That Should Have Been Nominated for Best Picture

With the Oscars coming on this evening, we’re taking a look back at horror films that should have been nominated for Best Picture and weren’t. It’s no secret that the genre has a ...

pet sematary - Unearthed & Untold

Why Pet Sematary Still Doesn’t Get the Recognition it Deserves

Stephen King fans tend to come down pretty hard on film adaptations of the author’s work. Some of them just don’t think any movies are worthy of his literary work and they certainly have...


Rings Chokes on Missed Opportunities

Maintaining the tone of the first two The Ring films, Rings is a sometimes scary, sometimes predictable sequel. F. Javier Gutiérrez recreates the world of Samara (Bonnie Morgan; Daveigh Chase in ...

Back to the ’80s: Lady in White

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular fi...

The Toolbox Murders

Why The Toolbox Murders Might be the Sleaziest Art Film Ever

The original Toolbox Murders is a hard movie to pin down. It’s hard even to explain how I feel about it. At this point, I would say most people have discovered the Tobe Hooper remake. The origi...

Bad Moon 1996

Trouble on the Way: Why Bad Moon Doesn’t Get Enough Credit After 20 Years

On one level, Bad Moon frustrates the hell out of me. As a young horror fan, I loved werewolves. Along with vampires, they were pretty much my favorite movie monsters. But unlike vampires, I was very ...

The Howling 1981

Seven Old-School Werewolves That Still Hold Up

I love werewolf movies. They’re easily one of my favorite sub-genres in horror. But they’re so hard to get right and at times that makes loving them so, so frustrating. There are a lot o...