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horror films

Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween

Where Are All the Modern Scream Queens?

The 1980s gave us so many horror icons. We got Jason, Freddy, Pinhead, and Chucky. Michael Myers got sequelized and proved he could play with the big boys, as did Leatherface. All of these characters ...

Back to the ’80s: Body Double

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particul...

The Howling 1981

What Happened to Rob Bottin? And More of Horror’s Most Persistent Mysteries

Horror fans know a lot about horror. More than you’d think possible. We love to learn everything we can about our favorite movies and the people who made them. You’d think we’d kn...

Why Christine Brown in Drag Me to Hell Deserved Everything She Got

Sam Raimi’s Drag Me to Hell is equal parts Evil Dead and Thinner. It’s a supernatural Romani revenge story told through Raimi’s signature style. It’s over-the-top and thing...

ghostface killer with his killing tool from the successful franchise scream by wes craven.

Nine Lackluster Blu-ray Releases That Deserve an Upgrade

We’re living in a great time for horror movie collecting. Blu-ray is the ideal format to bring our favorite films to life in glorious HD. Gorgeous, pristine picture packed with as much as we co...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: July 29th, 2016

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...


Shelley is a Gorgeous Yet Aimless Pregnancy Horror Story [Review]

Shelley is an interesting but somewhat dry pregnancy horror tale that hinges on performance because it doesn’t give us enough of the plot to keep the viewer genuinely invested in the story. Don...

Dawn of the Dead - alternate cuts

Horror Movies With Notorious Alternate Cuts (and the Versions You Should Watch)

Whether we’ve seen it or not, every horror movie has an alternate cut or had one at one point. The editing process is long, arduous, and the people who suffer through it never get the credit th...

Dressed to Kill

Back to the ’80s: Dressed to Kill

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular fi...