Meta horror is something we’re starting to see less of now, which makes sense on one hand because it was pretty much capped with Cabin in the Woods. That was the ultimate statement on horror mo...
I love the Halloween franchise. Its highs have been high and its lows have been low, but I’ve been there for all of it. I will readily admit that it’s an incredibly uneven franchise, may...
The last thing I want to do with this article, funny as it’s going to try to be, is undercut recent events. Because the truth is that Harriet Tubman earning her place on the $20 bill is an amaz...
Historically, witches have been considered the outcasts of gender normality in society. These are women that seek independence from the stereotypes considered ideal for the female gender. The preconce...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...
In the early ‘80s, slasher movies were in full bloom. Everyone was doing their best to follow up the success of Friday the 13th and Halloween. Every single calendar date was getting i...
We’re not getting many vampire movies these days. And that’s a shame. It’s not like they’ve gone anywhere, they never really do. But everything in the horror genre moves in ...
Remakes are everyone’s favorite go-to conversation topic when they want to be really angry. They’re the number one thing in horror that people get the most aggressive about. And I’...
I can readily admit the usefulness of the streaming era. It would be foolish of me to say that things are not more practical or are not easier now. I think everyone can appreciate the immediacy of str...