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horror films

Hack/Slash - Lesser known horror comics that should become movies or series.

Seven Reasons Why Hack/Slash Needs to be a Movie Right the Hell Now

Horror comics only seem to be rising in popularity. They’re gaining readership, even as horror on screen is becoming more and more independent and very seldom sees a wide release. But even if h...

Saw - Wan and Whannell

Why it Took Me So Long to Love Wan and Whannell

James Wan and Leigh Whannell are the collective faces of modern horror. Eleven years ago, they created maybe the most influential horror picture of the new millennium so far. Saw was a power...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix – November 6th, 2015

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

The Omen - Beloved Horror Films that are kind of overrated

Nine Beloved Horror Movies That Are Kind of Overrated

We’re all here because we love horror movies. We love the genre. This is a place for fans to share that love, naturally. You read about it because you love it and we write about it because we l...

Live-Evil is Full of Striking Visuals but Suffers from Poor Pacing

Ari Kirschenbaum promised horror fans at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo that Live-Evil was a horror experience they were sure to remember. The film has been described as “Gho...

Five Horror Filming Locations We’d Like to See

Over the summer, the home occupied by Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs went up for sale in Perryopolis, PA. The four bedroom, one bath home doesn’t offer the spacious dungeon observed ...


How the Phantasm Series Has Evolved Over Time

Phantasm is widely considered to be a horror classic. Even people who haven’t necessarily seen it are aware of the name. Released in 1979, it was one of the first features from director Don Cos...

2016 horror movie lgihts out

Ten Horror Movies to Look Forward to in 2016

Like all years within the genre, 2015 has had its ups and downs. There have a few duds and a few hits. Some anticipated features have turned out to be underwhelming, while others have been much better...

Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Nat’s Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Part of what led to me Wicked Horror in the first place is the fact that I spend a good chunk of my time obsessively making genre-based lists as it is. Friends who have known me for a long time h...