Maybe one person you wouldn’t want to take a fancy to you is Dr Hannibal Lecter. Unless you wouldn’t mind being sautéed with some with shallots in butter and fed your own brain....
These two films are interesting and relatively easy to compare because, while they follow the same plot, they are fundamentally different movies. The original Fright Night and the 2011 remake are...
[soliloquy id=”10849″] With more film adaptations than any other fictional character, Dracula has been portrayed by a vast number of actors over the years. Some of them have were classic a...
[soliloquy id=”10851″] Wes Craven is one of the major maestros of the horror genre, having provided it with two of its most lucrative franchises (Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream) as wel...
[soliloquy id=”10838″] Twenty years ago, the genre was in a very different place than it is now. There were a lot less horror movies being made. The independent video market was just findi...
In the eighties, horror movies took off in a big way, garnering mainstream success and becoming mega-hits for the first time. It all started in 1981, after the circulation of success between powerhous...
Sometimes sequels work and sometimes they don’t. In horror, there’s a whole lot of both because there are more sequels within the genre than anywhere else. Some sequels start out on a ce...
For almost a decade, it’s seemed as if horror movies were only great on opposite years. 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013 were all fantastic years for genre films while the years in between them seemed...
Wes Craven’s first original movie in twenty years and it is not his worst film, nor his best. It is in some ways a throwback slasher and in at her ways it’s a supernatural revenge movies...