Directed and written by brothers John and Drew Dowdle, The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a “found footage” film, told in a faux-documentary style. Centering on the town of Poughkeepsie, New...
[soliloquy id=”11970″] Tobe Hooper is widely regarded among the casual fans as one of the masters of horror (he did, after all, participate in the TV series of the same name). But heȁ...
[soliloquy id=”12461″] Le Fear 2: Le Sequel is the low-budget sequel to Jason Croot’s movie Le Fear. It’s a comedy-horror mockumentary film within a film a...
[soliloquy id=”12120″] Directed by Stiles White, Ouija, shows us the possible consequences of trying to contact the dead using a spirit board. Ouija starts off with showing ...
[soliloquy id=”12057″] Scared of clowns? You will be… Clown started out as a faux trailer that garnered the attention of horror master Eli Roth. Roth (Last Exorcism, Hostel, Cabin Fe...
Hip hop superstar Fifty Cent got shot nine times in his darker days and managed to survive. Jason Voorhess is the infamous fictional horror character from the hit Friday the 13th film who just ...
Settling down to watch a horror movie is one of my favorite things to do. If the person I am with doesn’t like horror films I am afraid they have to leave. And never come back. Jack Nichol...
[soliloquy id=”11911″] Friday the 13th is tough to compare because the movies are not actually the same, in that they do not tell the same story. Instead of retelling the tale of psychotic...
Stephen King has had more film adaptations of his work than any living author. But he’s also written a lot. So as much as there’s been on the screen, there’s still quite a bit tha...