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horror movies


Back to the ’80s: Pin

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular fi...

Shocker - Horror Movie Soundtracks

Horror Movie Soundtracks That Deserve a Legitimate Release

One of the best things about being a horror fan right now is that we are finding ourselves in a resurgence of interest in soundtracks and soundtrack collecting that is kind of unbelievable. We’...

Outside-the-Box Horror Movie Weapons That are Hilariously Inventive

One of the largest, most primal draws for a horror movie is the need to see people dispatched in creative ways. The only problem is that as slashers grew more and more popular, it became harder and ha...

The Conjuring 2 - State of Fear - Conjuring 2 Banner Poster

State of Fear: The State of Horror in 2016

We are now over halfway through a decade that, back in 2010, we didn’t even know how to define. In terms of horror, that is. Back then, all we had was found footage and it was all we thought we...

The Evil Dead

Not A Comedy, Not Unintentionally Funny, Just Groovy: Defending The Evil Dead As A Truly Scary Horror Movie

People love to remember The Evil Dead as being a comical kick off to the long-lasting franchise. When it’s pointed out that it’s not as played for laughs as the clearly over-the-top Evil...

The Fly

Eight Deleted Scenes That Would Have Ruined the Movie

As movie fans, we love to imagine what our favorite films would be like if scenes that were cut out had remained intact. We all want to see the gore returned to the early Friday the 13t...

A Nightmare on Elm Street - The Weird Unspoken Double Standard of Horror Movies

Script to Pieces: Freddy, Portrait of a Serial Killer? The Unmade Elm Street Prequel

Welcome to Script to Pieces! This is a new feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes these will ...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: June 17th, 2016

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

Final Girl Heather Langenkamp Horror sequels that cursed their own franchises - Nancy in New Nightmare - Badass Mothers in Horror

Eight of the Most Badass Mothers in Horror

Horror movies aren’t always known for depicting positive mother figures. When moms are brought up, people tend to talk about the villains. Characters like Margaret White and Pamela Voorhee...