There are horror franchises that are beloved and then there are beloved horror movies that have spawned franchises. Friday the 13th, for example, is a beloved franchise—perhaps more than it is ...
The Exorcist is pretty immediately conjured up in the collective minds of horror fans as the film that is referred to/claims to be the scariest movie ever made. But you might see a lot of titles ...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...
Friday the 13th is one of the biggest horror franchises of all time. But—and I think most fans would agree with this—it’s not necessarily known for being scary. Most fans wouldn&#...
One of the most fun things to do as a horror fan is to quote your favorite movies. It’s not even so much a fun thing as it is muscle memory. It’s a calling card to fellow fans. You wear ...
There’s no one phrase that makes people more willing to check out a horror film than the “based on a true story.” At the same time, there are few phrases that cause more arguments...
We live in a world where a film can be made based off of absolutely anything. Angry Birds is already on its way and the Emoji Movie won’t be too far behind that. Some of these, l...
When you’re getting into horror, especially as a kid, it’s fun to learn the various weaknesses of the different movie monsters. After all, when you’re a child, all of those things...
There’s a new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie on the way, titled Leatherface. This is the second film in the franchise to bear that moniker. And despite the confusing title, I ...