George Mihalka is a director who has been working in film and television for over thirty years. He is best known to horror fans for directing the 1981 cult hit My Bloody Valentine, but his career span...
Make no mistake, I have no problem with Natural Born Killers. It’s one of Oliver Stone’s best movies, has a great cast and some great performances. But as a fan of all things killer toy ...
Over the summer, the home occupied by Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs went up for sale in Perryopolis, PA. The four bedroom, one bath home doesn’t offer the spacious dungeon observed ...
The horror world has been abuzz with news of horror reboots for each of the major franchises. Articles across the web touted that 2016 would see the major return of the slasher genre. We had a new Tex...
Phantasm is widely considered to be a horror classic. Even people who haven’t necessarily seen it are aware of the name. Released in 1979, it was one of the first features from director Don Cos...
Like all years within the genre, 2015 has had its ups and downs. There have a few duds and a few hits. Some anticipated features have turned out to be underwhelming, while others have been much better...
A standard tradition on Halloween is for the kids to dress up in costumes and set out for the trick or treat festivities as the evening sets in. Usually these kids end up in groups for safety reasons ...
Wicked Horror sat down to chat with horror legend Sid Haig about his upcoming film Bone Tomahawk. The movie is a horror western with an impressive cast, including Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew...
While the anthology movie is a great and unsung type of horror feature, films of that type usually have the same set of problems. They rarely balance out the stories in a way that satis...