Even as an adult, I have spent many nights wide awake, contemplating whether there is a demonic presence in my closet or under the bed. I have also driven my husband to the brink of madness ...
John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness was an unexpected movie that came about at an unexpected time. Through the 1970’s and early ‘80’s, satanic horror had been exhausted to ...
As long as there have been vampire stories, there have been vampire hunters. While they may have been portrayed as much tamer in recent years, they’ve been a part of the horror pantheon as far ...
Location is extremely important in a horror movie. More often than not, they are isolated, confined places, which is what sparks the horror itself. Sometimes these places become so characterized as ev...
The Dead Zone was made just as Stephen King adaptations were starting to become pretty hit or miss. People weren’t necessarily expecting each new movie taken from the author’s work ...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. All in all, this month has been pretty good with a...
The classics are so called for a reason. The early days of horror cinema brought forth some amazing stories and visuals. But it was the performances that cemented their place in the public consciousne...
There are many reasons audiences love to watch horror movies. Whether it is the attraction of an auteur director such as John Carpenter or just a compulsive need to add up the body count, each audienc...
Horror is not an inherently misogynist genre, despite what critics, parental groups and conservative personalities have been trying to say for decades. There are some misogynist works and always probl...