i-Lived is a mystery-thriller that was written and directed by Franck Khalfoun, who helmed the Maniac remake and the upcoming Amityville: The Awakening. The film is about a young t...
Hammer Films burst onto the scene in 1957 with The Curse of Frankenstein. And just like the early days of Universal, one followed the other and a Dracula movie was put into production right away. Curs...
The sinister backstory is a large part of just about any work of horror. Sometimes these tidbits of information don’t work, other times they are more interesting than the movie’s ac...
Who doesn’t love cake? At Wicked Horror we love anything horror related, but horror movie themed cakes sounds like pure heaven! Get your baking skills at the ready as we have 25 amazing ho...
Many Netflix users will say that the UK Netflix offerings pale in comparison to the US counterpart. While that may be true for newer movies, there are a number of noteworthy classic horror f...
I rented The Rage: Carrie 2 when it came out in 1999 and as soon as it was over I vowed never to watch it again. I was ten. I loved Stephen King, I’d seen Carrie and I loved that too. I don...
Many Netflix users will tell you that UK Netflix pales in comparison to its US counterpart. While British streamers do not get the largest amount of horror to watch, there are still plenty of qua...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror that looks at the most recent genre additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. Things are looking much better in terms of Netfli...
Found footage movies keep on coming. They seem to be finally dying down, perhaps, but it’s a small dent in the boom that has persisted over the past several years. Everyone blames Paranorm...