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Poster art for Lucky McKee's May

How May Explores the Horrors of Becoming an Adult

Lucky McKee‘s May is occasionally referred to as Carrie for the next generation, which is a term often tacked on to horror movies with a female protagonist. Other than t...

The Babadook - Daniel's top five 2014

Daniel’s Top Five of 2014

Though typically a genre quickly discredited by most critical circles, 2014 contested horror’s place as a riveting and innovative corner of cinema.  It Follows, for example, dissected a tr...

Anti Valentine's Day Films Australian horror the loved ones directed by sean bryne

Five More Australian Horror Films to Watch After the Babadook

A few days ago, we took a look at Five Australian Horror Films to Watch After the Babadook. It garnered quite a bit of attention and suggestions from readers, so we’re following it up today wit...

Horror films on Netflix - New on Netflix. Netflix logo for new to streaming movies.

New on Netflix

New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time for the weekend!&#x...

Australian Horror. The scary Babadook from the movie written and directed by Jennifer Kent.

Five Australian Horror Films to Watch After The Babadook

With Jennifer Kent’s chilling movie The Babadook topping nearly everyone’s list of 2014’s best horror films, you may be interested to see what else the people of Australia have to...

Deadly Spawn poster 1983

From The Thing To The Deadly Spawn: Whatever Happened to Aliens as Movie Monsters?

Sure, aliens pretty much hold a corner on the market in the science fiction genre, but they have also been a mainstay of the horror genre since its inception. Of course, the biggest surge in movies ab...

Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century

Five Cheesy Bigfoot Costumes We Love to Hate

A short while ago, we dove into the checkered past of the Cinematic Sasquatch, a filmography that is sadly peppered with more failures than successes. As many of these movies were thrown together by e...

Harry from Harry and the Hendersons

Horror History: The Cinematic Sasquatch

Large, lumbering, hairy hominids that reside in wilderness areas and are rarely seen by human eyes. They are the stuff of myth and local legend, and although they were sometimes referred as “wi...

One of the 2014 Godzilla movie posters directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Zak's Top 5 of 2014. Top Five Horror Films.

Zak’s Top Five of 2014

2014 was a pretty good year for movies, from the bizarro space adventure that was Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy to more character driven works like Nightcrawler and Birdman I definitely saw s...