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nightbreed 1990

Review: Nightbreed: The Director’s Cut

Clive Barker burst onto the horror scene with his three-volume short story collection The Books of Blood. He cemented his place as a major force in the genre with his 1987 film Hellraiser, based on hi...

John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness

Ten Fictional Authors We Wish Were Real

A few days ago, we discussed the alternate universes in which fictional stories take place, specifically how the denizens of those universes have access to genre films we wish were real.  Th...

A Guide to Alan Moore’s From Hell

More than 125 years after the fact, the murders of Jack the Ripper still intrigue. Even one and a quarter centuries are unable to erase the deeds from our collective consciousness, and you would be ha...

Horror films on Netflix - New on Netflix. Netflix logo for new to streaming movies.

New on Netflix

New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time for the weekend!&#x...

Stephen King’s IT set to Shoot Next Summer!

[soliloquy id=”14425″] I was introduced to the 1990 miniseries, IT, based on the novel by Stephen King, at the tender at of six. At the time my bedroom was clown themed. Two days late...

The Devil Incarnate poster

Review: The Devil Incarnate

[soliloquy id=”14296″] The Devil Incarnate is the first film from indie filmmaker L. Gustavo Cooper, who previously garnered attention by way of his his short film Velvet Road.&#...


Ten Fictional Genre Films We Wish Were Real

Some films are grounded squarely in our reality, and when their characters drink soda, or eat potato chips, or smoke cigarettes, they do so with brands that we recognize. Other films exist in a realit...

Five Horror Comics That Deserve the Feature Film Treatment

Movies based on comic books are insanely popular right now, to the point where it’s surprising when a comic book hasn’t yet been made into a movie. But there are still plent...

The crew of popular paranormal series Ghost Adventures.

Ghost Adventures Loses a Member!

[soliloquy id=”9054″] On November 25th 2014 it was announced that Nick Groff from the popular paranormal investigatipn trio, Ghost Adventures, will be leaving the show. Nick has co-pr...