Pumpkinhead, the film debut of FX genius Stan Winston, has always been a movie that’s needed more love. It’s become a bit of a cult classic, and is known among the hardcore horror fans, ...
Hammer achieved a large amount of success with Horror of Dracula pretty much out of the gate. This led to a franchise with at least seven sequels. Still, despite the massive success of their flagship ...
To its credit, Cursed was plagued by production problems that went all the way up to the top. The movie we’re left with cuts right to the chase and is a fairly by the numbers, standard werewolf...
C.H.U.D. is an acronym for “Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers” so you know what kind of movie you’re getting into right out of the gate. It’s pure 1980’s c...
By the late 1980’s, horror had gone pretty stale. In some ways it was to be expected. The ‘80’s were a golden decade for genre movies. The major franchises had all cemented themse...
The Evil Dead remake is tough to compare with the original film because it is a very different movie—even a very different kind of movie—despite having the original creators involved. It...
The United Kingdom is known for its haunted areas all over, but here I list the 10 most scary sightings in Britain as recently noted by the Daily Star newspaper.
Thirty years ago this year, horror was in a very different place. It really was. Might even have been a better place, but there’s still plenty of life in the genre right now. Still, the mid-80&...
There are a lot of fans for the Friday the 13th, Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street series. Those are the big three. There are other major franchises like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but that one&...