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Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

How Pumpkinhead Became a Cult Classic

Stan Winston’s Pumpkinhead is one of the most underrated monster movies of all time. It took a couple of years after completion for it to gain an audience, and then a few years after that for i...

Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Nine Beloved Horror Movies That Bombed at the Box Office

Everyone likes to think that their favorite horror movie was an enormous success but that’s definitely not always the case. Sure, it makes sense for bad horror movies to completely fail at the ...

Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Seven Dead Franchises That Should be Revived

Franchises are a large and admittedly crucial part of the horror genre. The series that have spawned the most movies tend to resonate in people’s minds, for good or bad. Jason Voorhees, Fr...

Randy in Scream 2

Seven Legitimately Emotional Death Scenes from Horror Movies

Death scenes in horror are not typically meant to be overly emotional. It’s sort of a typical of the genre that people go into a film knowing that people are going to die in large numbers ...

Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Saw Producer Peter Block Rebooting Pumpkinhead With Practical FX, Will Shoot in 2017

Wicked Horror has just learned that Saw executive producer Peter Block has snatched up the remake rights to Pumpkinhead. According to EW, he is currently in search of a direct...

Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Nat’s Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Part of what led to me Wicked Horror in the first place is the fact that I spend a good chunk of my time obsessively making genre-based lists as it is. Friends who have known me for a long time h...


Sasquatch (2002) [Cult Corner]

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Jonas Quastel’s Sasquatch. Sasquatch, also known as The Unt...

poster for Breeders

Breeders (1997) [Cult Corner]

Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Paul Matthews’ Breeders. Breeders begins with some of the wo...

Behind the scenes Nightmare 2

Horror Movie Monsters Caught Out of Character

It’s easy to forget that the monsters in horror movies boil down to nothing more than actors and make up, especially if you were terrified of them as a child. But there is nothing like a be...