Dead Earth is a post-apocalyptic thriller following two women, Sylvia (played by Milena Gorum of The Driver) and Rose (played by Alice Tantayanon of The Driver) who have survived the initial...
The Walking Dead Season 9 finds survivors of the zombie apocalypse at war and the infamous Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), with another set of problems that do not moan and cannot be brutalized with a ba...
They’re Inside is a survival thriller that follows sisters Robin (Karli Hall of Being Charlie and The Hollow Point) and Cody (Amanda Kathleen Ward of Fate and ...
Deadsight follows Canadian police officer Mara Madigan (Liv Collins who also cowrote the film) and Ben Neilson (Adam Seybold of Let Her Out) who stumble across one another during ...
In case your zombie narrative ever seems dry, just throw a bit of water on it. Fortunately, Jay Gunn did a hell of a lot more than that to bring us Surface Tension, a five part miniseries published by...