Justice Served revolves around three sets of people who are connected by the fact that one has been failed by the justice system after a devastating crime and the other was the one who perpetrated the...
When you have a movie with two characters and one location, you need an inspired concept. A Dark Song manages to conjure one. Even if its ending isn’t as spellbinding as the rest of the film. V...
Gilead. A place where if a girl was gang-raped, she is told it was her fault. A place where it is against the law for a woman to own property. A patriarchal society where you are considered a gender-t...
Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular fi...
After my initial first bite of Santa Clarita Diet, I was immediately hopeful for a season of more of the same, and I was so relieved that it did not disappoint. Sometimes, with horror television shows...
Dead West is an action western following Tony (played by Jeffrey Arrington, John Freeman Story, Vicious), brother of a victim of a serial killer known only as The Ladykiller (Bria...
Maintaining the tone of the first two The Ring films, Rings is a sometimes scary, sometimes predictable sequel. F. Javier Gutiérrez recreates the world of Samara (Bonnie Morgan; Daveigh Chase in ...
Dead West is billed as an action western following Tony (played by Jeffrey Arrington, John Freeman Story, Vicious), brother of a victim of a serial killer known only as The Ladykiller (Brian Sut...
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is, as the title suggests, the last film in the Resident Evil movie series based on the super-popular Resident Evil video-games. Although the films have a similar plot...