[soliloquy id=”7911″] The found footage style mockumentary The Houses October Built is headed for home video in the new year. The film will be released on both DVD and Blu-ray. W...
We previously announced that Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures had officially set a release date for their holiday-themed horror film Krampus. We told you that it woul...
Adrian Garcia Bogliano’s Late Phases is set in a senior living community. It stars Nick Damici (Stake Land) as Ambrose, a war vet with an adult son who encourages h...
[soliloquy id=”11077″] Dark Sky has just released a series of new clips in support of their upcoming release Late Phases. The picture is scheduled for a limi...
[soliloquy id=”9510″] What We Do in the Shadows has debuted a new clip. And we have your first look at the recently released excerpt after the break. So, head inside for a look a...
[soliloquy id=”5582″] Insidious Chapter 3 has endured another release date change. It was most recently scheduled for a May 29, 2015 release but has now been pushed back to June of 20...
[soliloquy id=”9510″] What We Do in the Shadows has debuted a new clip. We have your first look at the recently released excerpt after the break. So, head inside and take a look. ...
Dark Sky Films has debuted a trailer for their upcoming DVD release of the supernatural horror thriller, The House at the End of Time. We have your first look at the new trailer after the br...
[soliloquy id=”5582″] Recently we delivered your first look at the newly released teaser trailer from Insidious 3. Today, a Halloween e-card has been delivere...