This week IFC Films announced “The Indie Theater Revival Project,” an initiative to support its theater partners as they reopen for audiences in the coming weeks and months. Horror films...
AMC is introducing a few new characters to The Walking Dead in Season ten, including Thora Birch’s Gamma, and behind the scenes they are also bringing on new creatives, one of them being compos...
With The Conjuring universe and remakes like It and Pet Sematary dominating the box office, it’s no surprise that studios are trying to ride the horror wave, preempting a resurge...
Something beautiful is happening in horror right now… well, in the soundtracks at least. There have been so many films made recently with a retro tone and style, harkening back to the colorful ...
Music in horror can be very diverse. Sometimes the movie will partner with a widely known musician to deliver a hit song inspired by the film. Because of this, we get iconic songs like “Dream W...
[soliloquy id=”3684″] The Candyman soundtrack is coming to vinyl for the first time courtesy of One Way Static Records. A variety of limited edition options will be offered, as d...
For horror films, the soundtrack can turn a movie from slightly scary to god damn creepy. Many horror movies have done an excellent job at producing scores and soundtracks that are meant to scare the ...
For horror films, the soundtrack can turn a movie from slightly scary to god damn creepy. Many horror movies have done an excellent job at producing scores and soundtracks that are meant to scare the ...