If you are an Alien fan and want to make a statement while walking your four legged friend, we have just the thing for you. This Alien facehugger dog leash will turn heads wherever you go with your pet. And it goes without saying that this baby is a conversation piece.
The apparatus is designed to fit a small to medium sized dog ranging from 15-35 pounds. While it does command a high price tag, it is well worth it and considering the level of work that goes into crafting something of this nature, we think the asking price is not unfair.
Description from Store Envy: This leash connects with velcro around the neck and chest of the dog securing the Face Hugger to your pet’s back. The alien is made of foam and airbrush painted, the harness is a light weight but durable mesh. The leash is hidden within the tail of the alien and ends with a loop for easy walking.
Visit Store Envy to pick your Alien Facehugger dog leash! If you do invest in one of these exceptionally rad leashes, be sure to post a photo of your dog in this awesome accessory in the comments section below and we will share it on the site!