To start, the Alien franchise, with its dense mythology and rich history, fucking rules. Alien, and all of the movies that succeeded it, have been such unique and genre-bending experiences for audienc...
Ash Vs. Evil Dead may have wrapped up a lot sooner than most fans expected, but Bruce Campbell isn’t saying goodbye to the franchise that made his name just yet. In a new interview, the legendar...
Evil Dead (2013) follows Mia, a heroine addict who is attempting to kick her habit cold turkey. She and her best friends have holed up in a cabin in the woods so that Mia can safely det...
Echoing the sentiment that has already been expressed by many, 2016 was a great year for horror. And more specifically, it was a great year for theatrical horror. I went to the theater more times in 2...
Fans of Fede Alvarez’s Evil Dead remake, from 2013, may be few and far between, but if there’s one thing for which the flick cannot be faulted it’s the gloriously gooey gore. While d...
Earlier today we brought you the truly terrifying red band trailer for upcoming horror Don’t Breathe. Fede Alvarez’s (the Evil Dead remake) upcoming, second feature, is easily one of...
Fede Alvarez’s (the Evil Dead remake) upcoming, second feature, Don’t Breathe is easily one of the most anticipated horror releases of the year, generating a serious amount of buzz on line...