A now dying art for fans of the horror genre, the novelization once enhanced the experience for the carnage obsessed bookworm. Arguably a way for the filmmakers to further cash in on a movie, the...
By definition a silver fox is a handsome, grey-haired man. But, to me, a silver fox is much more than that. It is a man who has truly experienced life, a gent that is full of wisdom and accompli...
When John Carpenter and Debra Hill wrote Halloween, they designed the town of Haddonfield as a perfect slice of Americana. It’s pure, distilled suburbia. This town might be specifically set in ...
Horror novelizations are generally thought of as being pretty rare. Some of them go for insane prices online, especially ones like Phantasm that were never widely available to begin with. Most of thes...
Those still nervous about the upcoming Halloween reboot can rest somewhat easier today. Not only is series creator John Carpenter on board as an executive producer, but one, very important cast member...
The Dark Horse Book of Horror is a massive collection of four, previously published horror anthologies; The Dark Horse Book of Monsters, The Dark Horse Book of Witchcraft, The Dark Horse Book of Haunt...
There’s a lot of horror content coming our way over the next few years, just in terms of things that have already been announced or have been in various stages of development over time and are ...
Halloween is one of the few modern horror franchises to bring back its protagonist almost as many times as its antagonist. For a long time, all the way up until Donald Pleasance’s passing, Dr. ...
Despite a rocky start, Friday the 13th: The Game is doing well and fans are having a blast playing it. I’ve been playing for weeks now and am amazed that I haven’t tired of any of it yet...