With the TV series Damien around the corner, there’s no better time to revisit the classic franchise on which it’s based. The Omen is, of course, a classic horror film. People love it. I...
There are so many reboots coming out at the moment that it can be tough to keep track of them all. Our culture is currently bursting at the seams with remakes and reboots. Part of it is that the studi...
A&E gave us the opportunity to speak with Glen Mazzara, the creator, executive producer, and showrunner of their new program Damien. The series follows Damien Thorn, the young boy from&#...
In 1985, a band of Colombian missionaries agrees to allow renowned war photographer Avery Taggert (Zoë Bell) to travel with them. Although many bands of missionaries dislike journalists, this gro...
You would not think that President’s Day would really lend itself to horror movies. Of course, you wouldn’t think Valentine’s Day would either, yet we have classics like My Bloody...
A film in the vein of such doll-come-to-life films as Pin and Child’s Play, The Boy follows the story of a nanny traveling to the United Kingdom to take care of a new charge. However, once she ...
Growing up in the video store days, obsessing over every title in the aisles, even if I’ve still never seen some of them to this day, I would start to notice things after awhile that most peopl...
When you watch horror as a kid, you relate to the kids you’re seeing onscreen. It’s an immediate focus point. A child watches The Shining from Danny’s perspective, because they un...
Any horror fan who grew up in the 1990’s will probably tell you that Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark was a primary source of fear for them as a child. Sure, we were living in the heyday ...