Filmmakers in the 1980s had a serious obsession with the American dream. Part of it, I think, was due to the fetish-like obsession with ‘50s Americana. People wanted a very Norman Rockwell view...
Joe Lynch adds another movie to his delightfully eccentric oeuvre with his latest directorial offering, Suitable Flesh. Part psychosexual workplace drama, part Lovecraftian nightmare, the movie featur...
The Saw franchise has been running for almost 20 years, but what began as a lean, mean, unabashed Se7en rip-off has morphed into the kind of ugly, monotonous gore-fest that people who believe Art the ...
Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho is one of the best horror movies ever made. It’s often cited as the best and for good reason. It’s the kind of feature that was not getting made in Ameri...
Actor Sung Kang has generated an enormous amount of goodwill through his work in the Fast and Furious franchise, to the extent that his fan favorite character, Han, was technically brought back from t...
We can’t all be nice girls and, as Jennifer Reeder’s latest feminist-horror Perpetrator asserts, we may not want to be either. Over the years, Reeder has cultivated a reputation for craf...
Halloween is right around the corner. Just a month-and-a-half to go. And one of the best things about the season is that it sees everyone else taking an interest in that which we love year round. Some...
More than twenty-five years ago, filmmakers Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino spun the vampire genre on its head with From Dusk Till Dawn. In that time, the film has only grown in popularity, hav...
It’s pretty traditional for horror movies to just be horror movies from the start. It’s what’s expected. Nobody would go into a horror movie expecting it to be something else. Tra...