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horror films

‘Last Shift’ Reboot ‘Malum’ is a Helluva Ride [Review]

A filmmaker deciding to reboot their own movie less than a decade after it originally came out is an unorthodox idea, to say the very least. But Anthony DiBlasi has never played by the rules, with his...

Strangeland Nine rock icons who turned to horror

Nine Rock Icons That Appeared in Horror Films

Rock music and horror have always sort of gone hand in hand. Both are rebellious in nature but, at the same time, both are often financed by major studios. This kind of music and the images conjured u...

Horror sequels that did nothing to further the narrative of their franchise - Horror Movies Filmed in the Last Place You'd Expect

Eight Sequels That Did Nothing to Further the Narrative of the Franchise

For the most part, sequels are made because a film made money and a studio wants to keep it going. It would be ridiculous not to admit that’s usually how it starts. But there are still a lot of...

‘Unwelcome’ Inexcusably Squanders A Great Premise [Review]

The myth of the fear dearg (pronounced like “far darrig”) aka red cap or, more literally, red man, is prolific in Irish mythology. Much like the fairies who hide in the woods so they can...

Scream 4

10 Witty Horror Movies as Funny as They Are Scary

Horror comedies are extremely hard to pull off. Yet, despite that, comedy and horror are more entwined than any two other genres. Both of them completely come down to timing. Setting up a scare and se...

M3GAN Doesn’t Go Nearly As Hard As You’re Expecting [Review]

Following hot on the heels of 5-Cream is M3GAN, the latest bizarro offering from Malignant and Hell Fest co-writer Akela Cooper. Unlike those movies, however, this sci-fi shocker is rated PG-13 (15A i...

The Ring

Ten of the Most Chilling Settings in Horror

One of the most obvious parts of the filmgoing experience is the presentation of images given to the audience. Many factors contribute to the scare factor in a horror film, such as sound, acting, tens...

Why Shocker was a surprisingly personal movie for wes craven

Seven Horror Films With Effects Better Than the Movie Itself

As horror fans, we go crazy for practical effects. Genre output from the 1980s was rife with expertly rendered practical FX work. By the mid-’80s, the effects had become the main ...

Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge is a Riotously Funny Take on Horror Sequels [Review]

2019’s Scare Package was a fabulously gory and hilariously funny revelation from creative duo Aaron B. Koontz and Cameron Burns that made V/H/S look like the pretentious waffle it is while furt...