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horror movies

Tom Savini

Exclusive Interview: Tom Savini Talks Friday the 13th: The Game and More

Tom Savini is an absolute legend in the world of horror. Beginning his career by establishing himself as one of the premier makeup artists of all time, he created shocking gore scenes and creatures fo...

Bill Moseley

Interview: Bill Moseley Talks The Possession Experiment

Bill Moseley is, simply put, a legend of the horror genre. With a career spanning over thirty years, he’s been in dozens upon dozens of different movies. He’s appeared in several seminal...

Back to the ’80s: The Watcher in the Woods

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particular fi...

Carnosaur 1993

How Carnosaur Beat Jurassic Park to the Punch (We Can’t Believe it Either)

Carnosaur is widely known as a rip off of Jurassic Park. The idea makes sense. After all, Jurassic Park was the biggest hit of 1993 and it built up a lot of hype even before it was released, making it...

Christine 1983

Seven Powerful, Unsung Horror Scores That Need to be Rediscovered

I love the fact that people are rediscovering horror soundtracks. Some of the most iconic scores—and even some unexpected ones—are being given amazing treatment on vinyl. There’s ...

Child's Play 3 - Threequels

Ten Most Inventive Kills from the Child’s Play Franchise

The Child’s Play series has always been a little more fantasy based when compared with some of its contemporaries like Halloween or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Because the killer is ...

Night Flier - Criminally underrated Stephen king movies

Five Stephen King Movies that are Criminally Underrated

Stephen King has had more film adaptations than any other author. When people discuss movies based on his stories, they’re never referred to as horror or science fiction movies. They are simply ...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: November 25th, 2016

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

pet sematary - Unearthed & Untold

Eight Horror Movies from the Eighties That Are Still Scary

As fans, we tend to be heavily nostalgic toward the horror films we grew up watching. We still love them and we appreciate the craft that went into them, especially some of the true technical masterpi...