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horror movies

Alternate Channing Tatum Ghostbusters Film is a Bust

“Who you gonna call?” Well, it’s not going to be Channing Tatum and Chris Pratt. As July approaches, fans of the original Ghostbusters will be exposed to a reboot centering around...

Scream 4

Top Five Demands for Scream 5 (If it Ever Happens)

Scream 5 may never happen, and to be honest, I’m perfectly fine with that. Wes Craven helmed all four previous films and he’s gone, so it would feel a little weird to just pick up as if ...

Why High Tension Still Divides Fans 13 Years Later

High Tension, which is also known by the names Haute Tension and Switchblade Romance, is one of the most important horror films of the early 2000’s. It helped to usher in the movement now known...

Nightmare on Elm Street Remake is Unfairly Hated

Why The Nightmare on Elm Street Remake is Unfairly Hated

There are a handful of sacred cows in the horror industry. From Jason Voorhes to Michael Myers to Leatherface to Pinhead. Arguably, though, none of those icons ever reached the pop culture status...

Innovative portrayals of the devil

Eight Innovative Portrayals of the Devil on Film

In the grand scope of supernatural horror, everything comes back to the Devil. Whatever incarnation, whatever form, it’s the first thing most children are taught to fear. Like God, he works in ...

Friday the 13th Movies - Friday the 13th Part II - Horror sequels better than the original

The Five Best (And Worst) Movies of the Friday the 13th Franchise

Friday the 13th is the go-to when people think of the typical slasher franchise. It’s got the traditional, silent, masked villain. It’s got the standard slasher formula. But what people ...

Ava's Possessions

Review: Ava’s Possessions Puts a New Spin on Demonic Horror

Ava is a young woman who is struggling to make amends and repent for things she did while possessed. Writer Jordan Galland created a universe where demonic and spiritual possession is such a comm...

The Omen Prequel

Why The Omen Franchise Does Not Get the Love it Deserves

With the TV series Damien around the corner, there’s no better time to revisit the classic franchise on which it’s based. The Omen is, of course, a classic horror film. People love it. I...

Pennywise in the It Remake

Horror Remakes to Look Out for in 2016 and Beyond

There are so many reboots coming out at the moment that it can be tough to keep track of them all. Our culture is currently bursting at the seams with remakes and reboots. Part of it is that the studi...