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Pumpkinhead - Nat's Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Nat’s Favorite Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween

Part of what led to me Wicked Horror in the first place is the fact that I spend a good chunk of my time obsessively making genre-based lists as it is. Friends who have known me for a long time h...

The Howling Sequels

Six Adaptations That Strayed Way Too Far from the Source Material

Most horror movies are based on something, whether it be books, comics, video games or—most commonly, these days—other films. Almost everything is an adaptation. Pop culture is recycled ...

Weaknesses Grimm & Grimy: Fairy Tale Based Horror Movies We Can't Help But Like

Grimm & Grimy: Fairy Tale Based Horror Movies We Can’t Help But Like

Fairy tales are a deeply ingrained part of our culture. They’re primal stories, for one, that deal with the most basic human experiences. At the same time, they’re also some of the first...

Zak's top five horror films to watch on halloween - Night of the Demons - http://wickedhorror.com/top-horror-lists/life-lessons-we-can-take-away-from-house-ii-the-second-story/

B-Rated Halloween Movies to Pumpkin Spice Up Your Season

Everyone has their favorite horror movies to watch around the Halloween season. Here at Wicked Horror, we’re even giving our personal faves throughout the month. Usually, people watch the class...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix – October 9th, 2015

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

Alligator 1980

Why Alligator is a Jaws Ripoff that Works Way too Well

Jaws opened up the door for dozens, if not hundreds of imitators. It makes sense when you think about it. Jaws created the blockbuster, after all. It was the first major box office hit of that magnitu...

starry eyes

25 Movies On Netflix To Watch Before Halloween

Netflix Streaming can be overwhelming — so many options, yet so hard to browse. We have put together another Netflix list of the top horror films, 25 of them, as of early October 2015 that you ...

25 Movies On Netflix To Watch Before Halloween

5. HERE COMES TO DEVIL A married couple lose their children while on a family trip near some caves in Tijuana. The kids eventually reappear without explanation, but it becomes clear that they are not ...

Starry Eyes - Recent horror movies that went overlooked - recent horror movies that prove surrealist horror is making a comeback

Recent Movies That Prove Surrealist Horror is Making a Comeback

Surrealism is all-but considered a lost art when it comes to horror movies. Italian horror was known for it, particularly, in the giallos. But for the most part that has disappeared. Italian horror fi...