New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the newest genre additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. These are pretty infrequent, of course, and ...
Wicked Horror had a chance to connect with actress Natalie Burn about her involvement with the upcoming horror film Awaken. The actress offered her thoughts on strong female characters ...
Wicked Horror recently had the occasion to chat with Franck Khalfoun about his new film i-Lived, as well as about the upcoming Amityville sequel. The director filled us in on the c...
As someone entrenched in the horror genre, both in film and fiction, I get the same question a lot: “Why are there no good Lovecraft movies?” And there are, you just have to know where t...
Every horror fan has been there. You’re sitting down with your family to watch a movie and it’s your turn to pick. Or maybe they’re trying to finally show an interest, as they put...
I’ll get this out of the way right up front: Gremlins 2 is one of the most underrated sequels of all time. It might not be as a good as the first film. While it’s bigger and funnier, it&...
Everyone who makes a horror movie hopes their film will have an impact on people. Sometimes, though, it’s taken a little too far. The director wants to explore new extremes, take the genre furt...
Actors play a crucial role in horror. In any movie, obviously, but horror fans really latch onto the faces on the screen. Everyone has their favorite horror actors, from the classics like Vincent Pric...
Vampires will always be popular in some medium or another. Sure, their mega-success comes and goes, but they never disappear. Stories about them go back as far as there are stories. But if thereȁ...