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Horror reference books

Literary Monsters: Books Written by Your Favorite Horror Actors

It’s become commonplace for an actor to write a tell-all autobiography once they become famous enough and decide they have enough interesting stories in their life to warrant one. Horror stars ...

Bates Motel promo poster

Bates Motel Recap – Season 3 Episode 9

Things are winding down and we are only one week away from the season finale. But given everything that’s developed so rapidly this year, it almost feels like a series finale. Norman is so much...

Danielle Harris.

Child Actors in Horror That Spawned Successful Careers

It’s pretty widely known that child actors tend to have rough lives. There are a lot of reasons for this. Sometimes the parents want their children to be famous much more than the chi...

After Remakes: The Current Trend of the Red Herring Reboot

Remakes were the trend of the 2000s. Found footage didn’t hit the mainstream until later. Asian ghost stories fizzled out around 2005, but from 2003 to 2009 remakes were coming out in increasin...


Review-Infernal Movie

Infernal has strong aspirations from the beginning. Reading the synopsis, I honestly hoped for a thoroughly enjoyable horror flick. The movie tried to utilize a variety of elements from previousl...

Greatest Show on Earth: Why People are Drawn to Carnival Horror

Carnival themed horror seems to be on the rise, recently. The latest season of American Horror Story was divisive with fans—as is every season, really—but proved to be a major hit r...

Why Werewolf Movies Are One of the Most Endearing Yet Unpopular Sub-Genres

Werewolf movies don’t get a lot of love. But they’re one of the classic monsters, that’s for sure. It’s not like the werewolf doesn’t exist in the public conscio...

Ladies of the House

Advance Review: Ladies of the House

Ladies of the House is the kind of rape/revenge horror we don’t see much of anymore. It’s about three guys out enjoying an evening at a strip club when they get the horrible, horrible id...

Jason X - Final Frontier: Why franchises ultimately end up in space

The Final Frontier: Why Franchises Inevitably End Up in Space

Space is a confusing location for a horror feature. It’s somewhere that every franchise winds up eventually, and yet it’s somewhere that nobody really wants to go. So why does it keep ha...