This coming winter, three new titles will be released that are set to expand the Hellboy Universe, also known as Mignolaverse. While during the Hellboy series, the red-horned hero and the Bureau of Pa...
Nerd Block is a subscription mystery box that delivers geeky collectibles right to your door each month. You can choose whatever theme box you are into–there’s the Classic Block, Ar...
Christmas will come early this year for some lucky Wicked Horror readers, as we have two copies of Krampus (review) to give away on Blu-Ray! It was released on Digital HD on April 12, 2016 and wi...
When a young boy loses his Christmas spirit, he unknowingly unleashes The Krampus, a centuries old demon that punishes the disillusioned. He and his family quickly find themselves in a position where ...
We have just received word that Krampus is headed for home video in April. We have an official release date announcement, special features, and more for you!
Christmas horror is kind of an acquired taste. Those who adore festively-themed fright flicks have a whole Santa’s list to watch come Christmastime. Everyone else just watches Gremlins or Silent...
2015 was a great year for horror films simply because it’s been versatile. Based on what I’ve seen this year, I’m really excited for 2016. Compiling this list wasn’t as ea...
Horror is in a good place, which is weird saying aloud when most people seem to still be operating under the notion that “it all sucks now, it’s not as good as it used to be.” Wit...
“Nothing bad’s gonna happen on Christmas” soothes Allison Tolman to a frightened child, just as things are starting to go very, very bad in Krampus, the latest flick set to take on t...