Child’s Play is an institution. The series that began with the seminal, Tom Holland-directed 1988 flick is still chugging along to this day with the latest installment, 2017’s Cult...
The Child’s Play reboot is just over a month away but if you just can’t wait those few weeks to see it, fear not, because there’s a new, behind-the-scenes featurette to pore over. If...
The new voice of Chucky was recently revealed as none other than Mark Hamill, he of Star Wars fame and fan favorite voice of The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series. Although the release of hte movie...
A few weeks ago, we wondered aloud who might voice the new Chucky (or, rather, Buddi) in the upcoming Child’s Play reboot. It was suggested, via industry rumors and rumblings about test screenin...