Escape from Tomorrow, the infamous debut film from writer-director Randy Moore, revolves around Jim (Roy Abramsohn, Area 51, Weeds) and his wife Emily (Elena Schuber, American Horror Story, Killer Kid...
Another Evil features father and artist Dan Pappadakis (played by Steve Zissis, Roadies, Togetherness), who hires Os Bijourn (Mark Proksch, Better Call Saul, Son of Zorn) with the consultation of his ...
I have to be honest, I didn’t mind the found footage boom when it first started. Paranormal Activity really got to me in the theater. They turned out all the lights right at the end and left us...
If there’s one sub-genre that’s been done to death in modern horror movies, it’s paranormal/possession. And yet, with wispy CGI phantoms, a killer, modern location and a fearless cen...
Ghosts of Darkness centers on Jack Donavan (played by Michael Koltes, Capsule, Alice Through the Looking Glass), a paranormal investigator, and Jonathan Blazer (played by Paul Flannery, Nightmare Live...
Lavender revolves around Jane (Abbie Cornish, Limitless, Sucker Punch), a photographer who is involved in a tense marriage with her husband Alan (Diego Klattenhoff, star of TV’s The Blacklist a...
We Go On centers around Miles Grissom (played by Clark Freeman, of TV’s NCIS: New Orleans and horror oddity YellowBrickRoad) and his determination to find out if there is life after death. As a...
Blind Date is a short horror feature written and directed by Rob Rotondo, who is no stranger to the scene. While Blind Date is his first writing and directing credit, Rotondo has previously worked as ...
The Amityville Horror is one of the most successful books based on a reportedly true account ever published. The same goes for the feature film adaptation. It is the only one of those cases to sp...