Wicked Horror’s Syl had the opportunity to ask a couple questions of Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing about their new film, The Gallows Act II. They dished about the shift to a stalker type film a...
The Gallows Act II follows Auna Rue (Ema Horvath, The Mortuary Collection) and her dreamy boyfriend Cade Parker (Chris Milligan of TV’s Arrow) who attempt to unravel the mystery o...
The Gallows follows a group of high school students staging the revival of the titular play. The only problem is that the last time their school put on a production of The Gallows, one of th...
Wicked Horror recently had the opportunity to speak with The Gallows co-directors Travis Cluff and Chris Lofing. The pair gave us the lowdown on how their micro budget film was picked up for...
We recently debuted the full trailer for the upcoming Blumhouse produced horror film, The Gallows. Today we have a TV spot from the upcoming feature to share with you! So, head in and c...
We finally have the full trailer for the upcoming Blumhouse produced horror film, The Gallows. Head inside for your first look! The film is written and directed by Travis Cluff and Chri...
This year has already seen a few promising horror movies hit our screens and will continue to deliver new terror with a few original ideas. And there are plenty of follow ups and fan favorit...