The Girl With All The Gifts centers around a post-apocalyptic world where all but a small few humans have been infected by a fungal disease that transforms them into creatures called Hungries. Snappin...
One of Capcom’s most celebrated and successful franchises, Resident Evil, has had a long-running companion movie series that gives a different spin on the universe. While the movies take some l...
Zoombies takes place in the Eden Wildlife Zoo, a facility that specializes in housing endangered animals. The outfit is headed by Dr. Ellen Rogers (Kim Nielsen) who inherited it from her grandfather. ...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick…Jesús Franco’s Oasis of the Zombies. Oasis of the Zombi...
[soliloquy id=”21865″] After far too long of a wait, Lucio Fulci’s masterpiece The Beyond is finally in print again for home viewing. After having previously been out of print ...