Home » Zena’s Top Five of 2014

Zena’s Top Five of 2014

Starry Eyes. Horror. Zena's top five horrors of 2014

2014 was an awesome year for horror! Especially for independent filmmakers who rocked this year while Hollywood was busy churning out reboots and pointless sequels. This was not an easy decision but these are my top five horror pictures of 2014!

It sucks that the release of the film was delayed because I really enjoyed it! Whenever I speak to anyone about this picture, they hated it or loved it. I’m starting to notice this with myself…a lot of films everyone else hates, I’m madly in love with. I promise I’m not doing this on purpose! The story line of 7500 was unique; the build up was amazing. Although it’s an American film, it has the feel of a J-horror. There’s plenty of creepiness throughout the picture which I’m a complete sucker for.



A horror movie that is not only intriguing but beautiful? WHAT?! Is this possible? Yes! The performances in this film were great. It is philosophical with a great message: There is evil but within evil there is good and vice versa. Not to mention the story line is filled with imagination and plenty of twists. I absolutely enjoyed this film from start to the finish!


Guys, I’m a sucker for horror movies that involve hauntings and voodoo. I know that many others didn’t care for this title but I really enjoyed it! It’s an original, slow-burn psychological horror feature that didn’t rely on jump scares…a hardcore horror fan’s dream!

3Starry Eyes 

I had no idea what Starry Eyes was about going in. I had heard of it a couple of times but randomly watched it one day and have been pleased with my decision to do so ever since! Although a storyline involving the cutthroat world of Hollywood is not uncommon, the execution is what had me in awe. It’s thoughtful yet disturbing due to the diabolical undertone. I love dark horror with an awesome soundtrack and this fits the bill!

4The Babadook

Like many other genre film enthusiasts, The Babadook made my year end top five. It’s a slow burn feature that will get under your skin. It definitely got under mine. It has been a long time since I actually saw a horror film that affected me the way this did. This film achieved something that many other horror pictures completely miss out on: Actual horror. It was eerie, didn’t need fifty buckets of blood or boobs to be an entertaining picture because it had actual scares.

5I’m very excited about what’s coming next in the world of genre film. We are in the golden age of independent horror and I’m all for it!

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Written by Zena Dixon
In addition to contributing to Wicked Horror, Zena Dixon has been writing about all things creepy and horrific at Real Queen of Horror for over three years. She has also contributed to iHorror and Bloody Disgusting. She has always loved horror films and someday hopes to be known for writing and directing her own feature-length horror pictures.
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