With the sudden influx of world-ending weather, most of us are looking forward to spending the foreseeable future hiding underneath a blanket with a hot water bottle strapped to each leg. The followin...
There are a number of character actors that have made their name in horror and science fiction and become major stars to fans of genre film. Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Peter Cushing and Chr...
Most horror movies have sequels. It’s a fairly common thing. Many spawn an entire franchise, some only ever see one sequel made. For every longstanding series out there, there’s a sequel...
Are you excited for Wolfcop? Good. You should be. It’s a fantastic little slice of Teen Wolf meets Robocop viewed through an old-school splatter film lens. Ever since the release of the muc...
If you want to get someone to watch a horror movie, even if they don’t particularly like the genre, tell them it’s based on a true story. Then they’ll want to watch, they ...
Since the massive success of Marvel’s The Avengers, every studio and franchise is trying to capitalize on its model for success. What Marvel did with its movies leading up to Avengers was unpre...
A few days ago, we took a look at the long and sordid history of the Tales from the Crypt franchise, which began with the line of EC Comics in late 1949-early 1950. The original series only lasted for...
What can I say? I love disturbing movies. Movies that make you go “WTF!” I make my friends watch them so I have someone to talk to about them. They all hate me for it. There’...
This will no doubt be a controversial opinion, but not all horror films from the 1950’s are good. Some are definitely considered classics, but are known mostly as classic B-Movies. That doesn&#...