Home » Producer Heather Buckley Talks The Ranger [Frightfest 2018 Interview]

Producer Heather Buckley Talks The Ranger [Frightfest 2018 Interview]

Heather Buckley is exactly the kind of person you want consulting on your punk rock horror movie. I mean, just look at her (above). The woman screams punk rock attitude and it ain’t for show either. Buckley was instrumental in getting her long-time buddy Jenn Wexler’s debut feature made because she recognised the scene in which it was set, and the obnoxious but lovable kids who populated it.

The Ranger‘s cast of relative unknowns, headed by a spirited Chloe Levine (breakout star of last year’s vampire love story The Transfiguration), are decked out in the coolest and most authentic punk rock clothing. There are torn edges, band patches, and studs aplenty. The soundtrack, meanwhile, chugs along with offerings from artists you can’t wait to go home and discover for yourself.

Also See: The Ranger Is Bloody, Smart And Unpredictable

Green Room boasted a similar level of authenticity, thanks in large part to director Jeremy Saulnier’s previous firsthand experience in the Portland hardcore scene, but The Ranger gives it a real run for its money. The level of authenticity, that feeling of knowing this scene so intimately, has to have come at least in part from Buckley’s perspective. If not, she wouldn’t be showing up looking so cool to support it.

The Frightfest synopsis for the flick promises carnage galore:

It’s the 1980s and a group of punks get busted selling drugs. Because a police officer gets fatally wounded in the showdown, Chelsea offers up her uncle’s cabin in a nearby national park as a hideout. There they cross paths with an officious ranger who has a weird connection to Chelsea’s past and will stop at nothing to enforce every single safety regulation even if it means resorting to the deadliest of means. Emulating slasher classics with sly élan and featuring a kick-ass punk soundtrack, Jenn Wexler’s debut feature is a post-modern splatter flick carrying the FrightFest seal of approval.

Directed and co-written by Jenn Wexler, The Ranger marks her feature debut. It stars Chloe Levine (The Transfiguration), Granit Lahu, Larry Fessenden (who also produced), and Jeremy Holm.

Also See: Chloe Levine and Granit Lahu Talk The Ranger

Wicked Horror caught up with Buckley to talk slasher movies, punk rock authenticity, women in horror, and lots more. She looked unspeakably cool the whole time.

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Interview conducted by: Joey Keogh
Camera: Richard Waters
Editing: Richard Waters

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Written by Joey Keogh
Slasher fanatic Joey Keogh has been writing since she could hold a pen, and watching horror movies even longer. Aside from making a little home for herself at Wicked Horror, Joey also writes for Birth.Movies.Death, The List, and Vague Visages among others. Her actual home boasts Halloween decorations all year round. Hello to Jason Isaacs.
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