Amityville: The Awakening sees the Walker family moving into the infamous house at 112 Ocean Avenue. Shortly after settling in, Belle and her younger sister Juliette begin experiencing unexplaina...
It’s been, quite literally, years since Amityville: The Awakening was first announced, with the release date pushed back multiple times since 2014(!). Now, it seems, we might actually be about t...
Amityville: The Awakening has been scheduled for release multiple times since 2014. Just when we finally think it’s going to hit theaters, Dimension up and pulls it from release. It’s...
The well-known murder house that inspired The Amityville Horror book and movie franchise has been listed for sale according to Newsday. The waterfront home and Long Island cultural...
Dimension has just reached out to share a first look at Amityville: The Awakening with us. It is one of the first one sheets I can recall directly referencing social media in such a pro...